Quick Eligibility Check & Dental Insurance Benefits Overview

Our basic report provides you with a quick overview of basic eligibility and general benefits.

Allow us to provide a brief overview of our report format.

Patient's Eligibility.

Patient Eligibility
We realized that the most important part is to determine whether the patient is eligible to receive benefits under a specific insurance policy. Sometimes, policies are terminated, and the patient may not be aware of it. Often, insurance systems are not up to date. We always ensure to make live calls and cross-reference with written resources to provide you with double-verified information, thus avoiding conflicting statements. In our reports, you can see that we not only verify the policy's active status but also double-check whether the patient is eligible to receive benefits under that policy. This is because we've encountered situations where the policy is active, but the patient cannot avail benefits due to age limits, payment issues, and other factors.

Detailed information regarding Clauses.

Waiting Period and Missing Tooth Clause
The second most threatening issue is insurance clauses, such as the waiting period and the missing tooth clause, which can definitely result in a claim denial and be very frustrating for both the dental office and the patient. With our reports, you will receive a detailed overview of the services currently subject to waiting periods and not payable by insurance for that patient.

Comprehensive Network Options

In-network and Out of network benefits
Offering Both In-Network and Out-of-Network Benefits, enabling you to provide patients with a clear cost comparison and help them understand the potential savings they can access by choosing our services.

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